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May I know if there are any new updates?

I really like the story ☺️🙏

Hey. There was supposed to be a small update that finishes some of the art and improves some of the dialogue, but I had to shelf that update because I got caught up with my other projects. That being said, the story of the VN is complete, there is no more of the story to be told. 

but tiger I thought you were going to add an epilogue 

I might add an epilogue to the game when I get around to providing an update to it. We'll just have to wait and see.


The concept is fun. The left and the right are dating, and it’s gay. Hahaha

SPOILERS The art for this is really good! The characters look nice, and the CG's were great! Some background angles not fitting the sprites was unfortunate, but wasn't a big deal.

I’m going to dance around the discussed politics, but I’ll mention some subjects maybe should have been handled more delicately.

Besides that, story-wise it was a fun, and an interesting concept to explore!

Also, the sex scene was hot, extra points for that!

This was a fun story!

It's funny😆


Really liked that VN.  The different point of views of both characters were really entertaining.  I feel like this VN could be expended upon if you felt like it. I know these Jam VNs usually don't so I won't ask for more.


Aww thanks, I might make a continuation of this VN whenever I have the time. Right now I'm busy working on By Your Hands though.


Both characters seem a little off putting to me. Billy seems really entitled to the old man's affection, and gets away with treating Benjamin really poorly initially without any consequences.  I kind of thought that character flaw would be expanded upon to give us something to balance out our displeasure towards Benjamin's less than savory views. But it seems like Benjamin shrugs that off and Billy doesn't really get any consequences for behaving that way.  On the other hand, the bear tends to "win" every one of their political arguments, and Billy just gives some sort of "this is why i feel this way" out rather than actually being allowed to make lasting points that stand up to scrutiny.  If the intent was to be balanced, I'm not sure it came off that way? To me it felt like the author put a lot more time and thought into constructing Benjamin's viewpoints than he did Billy's. 

Regardless, I still think it's a cool concept, and kudos to you for putting it out there for free for us to enjoy. Also both of the characters have very cute designs. 

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Glad you liked the character designs! Let me explain a little about both of them. Billy is very cautious towards old men and conservatives, so he was expecting Benjamin to be a much worse person than he actually is, so he didn't bother acting nice since he thought that he'd never see him again after that night. Benjamin does call him out a little, just not overtly. He does roll with the punches since he just passes it off as a millennial thing (even though that term doesn't exist in their world but you know what I mean). As for Benjamin winning their little debates, that has less to do with his views being superior and more to do with him being more articulate than Billy is. Billy just doesn't know how to have a lasting debate on the spot and crumbles whenever things get too much for him. Not to mention, even when Benjamin "wins", his original point usually gets compromised by Billy's points at least a little bit, so it's not a total "victory". Thanks for the criticism though!

Website version has pixelated graphics hard to see

This is normal for Ren’Py WEB Versions.

There’s not much we can try to do besides optimize the file formats in January and update Ren’Py when there’s a new version. If find something major, we’ll let people know in a DevLog.


Benny was so well written, i love different point of views that are balanced instead of being one sided. 


I'm glad you like him! I wanted to make sure he wasn't just a strawman.


This was a very cute game for how short it was. Don't know if criticism like "needed more days" would be fitting because that would obviously make the game longer. The subjects it goes into are quite interesting for how they are put into the story but doesn't hit too hard because of the lack of down time. Definitely a story that could have had a few days to grow the characters and such, but for what it tried to be I would say a 3 or 4 out of 5. Definitely 4 if you just couldn't make the game longer. 


Yeah, I had a limited amount of time to write this story. Maybe I could have used the time better, but I like what we have. Glad you otherwise enjoy the story!


but why


Why not?

(1 edit) (+2)

Good god the circulation in Billy's arm must be shot from being in the same pose the entire time 


I didn't have the time to draw more poses for Billy orz


10 out of 10!!! I loved it so much!!!! To hear the different ideals and views it was really eye opening and engaging! 5 stars!!


Hmmm this looks interesting. Ima try it out