A downloadable VN for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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It's your first day at college after being home-schooled for your entire life essentially. You have two best friends you've known since childhood, but you should come out of your shell and meet new people. But it's challenging to do that when everyone seems to carry some baggage behind them, and some of them take it out on you. And then it gets worse. Much. Much. Worse.

But maybe. 

Just maybe. You can make it easier for someone out there in the world. If only you knew what's going on...

By Your Hands is an erotic gay furry murder-mystery visual novel created by me and written by Nemo. Originally made for Bara Jam 2022, it is now in active development and updates almost every month. If you liked this VN, please check out my other VN, Barachoda Bloom.

This VN includes sexually explicit content of homosexual male nature. This game is intended for audiences 18 or older, please do not play this VN if you aren't at least 18. All of the love interests have specific sexual positions. You can view the sexual positions of the main love interests by clicking on the text beside the triangle below, but I recommend not looking at it because it spoils certain aspects of the characters that haven't been implemented yet in the VN. Because of this, these count as spoilers so do not talk about them without a spoiler warning unless it's within a space that allows for spoilers.

Click here to view the sexual positions of the love interests

The sexual positions of the love interests

Major code assistance done by Shie. GUI done by Hijiri. itch.io page graphics by GigaSaddle. Soundtrack composed by Brkn Hvn. Additional songs by Haoran. Editing for "Blood Sucking" done by HugeCookie. Code for Inline Coding, Music Room, and Masked Layered Images goes to Feniks. You can visit their website here. Background images from Pexels, Pixabay, and iStock images.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

By Your Hands 0.20.1 - PC 319 MB
By Your Hands 0.20.1 - Mac 313 MB
By Your Hands 0.20.1 - Linux 299 MB
By Your Hands 0.20.1 - Android 339 MB

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I miss Brendan 💕, will Connor be the next route after Vlad?


(1 edit)

Day 2 - Vlad, you know if it turned out Connor did it, i wouldnt even be mad at him, respect

Like lowkey the car is "gone" and Connor's a mechanic, sigh, it's always the hot one

Is there a difference between the two versions patreon and the public on In terms of progress in the story or events that happen here and there no

Yes. The Patreon version includes Day 3 of Vlad's route while the public build doesn't. Usually the Patreon build includes the newest day that has been added to the game while the public build is an update behind the Patreon build.

Oh ok 👍🏽


Trying to keep it short

10/10 played a lot of Vns and its just very good im a simp for owen and reggie.

Hope there is gonna be a route at some point nothing better than a chubby especially a bear/panda hehe

Keep it up:)

Thanks for the kind words! :D and sorry, but there's not going to be a Reggie route 😅 We got enough work ahead of us already.

(3 edits)

Ya terminé con la ruta de Owen en el día 6 si que tiene problema pero bueno quien no los tiene,Kamil con lo esteroides y su padres con su religión, Brendan con los problemas del alcohol y ahora Owen con sus padres con los negocios y con su autismo.

Bueno nos faltan Connor y Vlad ¿que tendrán ellos? Tal vez me falta algo de Brendan nosé, en un futuro veremos cómo lo solucionan.

Mí personaje favorito es nuestra orca regordeta cada uno tiene lo suyo y es buen juego 👍


I recommend this visual novel and i like how the update is going!!💗 I like owen route and the story is fantastic and beautiful i love it so much 💕 


Thanks for the kind words!

I'm kinda confused on when or if the itch.io page will be updated with the new updates or is the project leaning more towards patreon or not. Sorry if I'm coming off entitled, just curious


Don't worry, more updates to the itch.io version will be coming in February, I've just been avoiding updating the public version because of a lack of changes to the game to warrant an update so far.


Isn't Owen day 6 a worthy update? Have been waiting for a long time.|ω・)


It was released for patrons in late December. I want to space out updates for the public version so that I ease up on development.

hi I'm having a issue with being able to see the text it just completely dark and to the point where i cant read it in some cases

Try downloading an early version of the game from here: https://chellaytiger.itch.io/by-your-hands-archive, then go to settings in the old version of the game and select white for the font color. It should change the font for the current version of the game.

ok thank you

Don't mention it!

Who killed the lion..?

Loving your VN. But there are some instances where the game would crash on tablet.


Really liking the VN and can't wait for future updates, but the bluesky link doesn't seem to be working


Oh I changed the link for it recently but I forgot to change the page's link. It should be fixed now.


Loved Brenden's route cause I just finished playing through it and I was just wondering if there's gonna be a guide for the branching paths in the Character routes?

There is a guide on all the branching paths in the game on my Patreon.

(1 edit)

owen sprites bugged early/in brendens route. no clothes/body multiple times. i think its every instance of his shy sprite is missing clothes


Already reported on, will be fixed in next update. Thank you for reporting on it anyways.

Hey is anyone experiencing the same thing as me? Missing the menu, hide, skip text features? And how can I get them back?

And is there a discord here? I want to report this bug there

(1 edit)

Oh that's weird. I'm not sure how that happened. Can you send me a screenshot? (Edit: Removed the discord server invite)


This game is soo good! I love the characters! I really like Owen's route so far. Your doing a amazing job!

(Hope this is ok to say but on mobile Owen's clothes are gone and it's just his head, hands, backfin, and tail that appear.)


I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(That's a known bug lol, it will be fixed in the next build)


Absolutely loving everything about this project. You're making something spectacular here, all of the boys are very lovable and charming in their own ways. 

(Also very, very excited for you to work on Vlad's route, hooh, Day 1 hooked me to him IMMEDIATELY. Y'all are doing the drag community justice.)


Thank you so much for the kind words! Vlad's route will be worked on soon!

So I read the new Dev. Log. I was wondering. You mentioned day 6 call Owen. But you never did Brandon or any of the other guys yet? And I know you still have to do V l a d


Days 5 and 6 for Brendan and Kamil are done, they were just inaccessible in a previous build due to a bug. You can view them in the current build.


Ahhh! Owen is best boy. Though I'm curious once Owen is done, are we perhaps getting more content on Vlad? So curious about that birb


You'll find out soon enough ;)


Much appreciated😭💜💜💜


More of Owen pls


More content of him will be coming soon.

Is there a Chinese translation?

(1 edit) (+1)

There's a fanmade one available on a Chinese website. No official one yet.


my honest opinion about the update i liked it so far and also the different facial expressions and behavior of Owen, that really gives it an incredible amount of personality :3  

and I took a screenshot because I discovered a mistake or if that's how it's supposed to be, if you look at Owen's hand it looks pretty weird theres

the update was unfortunately quite short but I still liked it!

but there is one thing that I found really negative and that is when you reach the end and are asked how the update was and if you liked it, it is very clearly mentioned that Owen is not liked and I think that's a shame!

especially when you hear that and you were really looking forward to the route with him and then you hear something like this, you kind of get the feeling that you want to get rid of him, and that it might even happen, which I think would be a real shame, I've seen this mentioned in other VMs before, and suddenly at some point certain characters are no longer there.

because I've grown really fond of him and I'd be really sad if he wasn't around anymore because I'm really looking forward to seeing more of him in the future.


Hey! Glad you enjoyed the update! I'm frankly not sure what I could do to improve the hand. Didn't realize that comment would be so hurtful orz. Don't worry, he's not going to perish from the VN. He's going to stay.


I just noticed it because everywhere his hand looks normal except here, but it's not that bad either I just wanted to draw attention to it.

it really came across that you really don't like Owen that much, and most of the time when a VM creator mentions that, it's usually for a reason and most of the time the characters disappear. 

as I mentioned before I really like his facial expressions which shows his mood which really shows that he is really struggling with a lot of things and that makes it really fun to get to know him more.

because it is very important to me to give my open, honest and friendly opinion because I have recently noticed that,

 when I see this in other VMs there are more and more unfriendly comments insulting the creators, and this has really gotten out of hand, rumors are being spread which is not okay.

and what I also noticed is that it's not really great if you don't have most of the stuff in your favorites list, or in general most of the games are not displayed here and it's really hard to find them, especially all the VMs are not suggested so less and less people see you because they don't know you are there, this has really deteriorated a lot lately on the site, I wanted to mention it additionally because I didn't know if you already know it yourself, because if I didn't have yours in my favorites list it wouldn't be suggested to me at all, and I think that's quite a shame I wonder if there's any reason why the site does that here


You're overanalyzing things. I really like Owen and he's not going anywhere. Sorry if the dialogue made it seem like that's not the case, but keep in mind that's an in universe character (albeit talking to the fourth wall) saying that, not me. That character doesn't represent my thoughts and opinions.

when is next Kamil update and Connor, last time he use the needle to him make me more curious.


I can't answer that question at this time.

after day one I cant decide who I wanna start my first ever route with cause like everyone's adorablee

Glad you like all the characters so much! Don't worry, you can do all the routes in different save files.

I didn't put this in the survey because it's super unrealistic but it would be funny if there were secret meta route type things where you address things early, but could only be done if you reached that far in the story already

That's an interesting idea

(1 edit)

I think one the pictures glitched. Its day 3 if that helps.

That's something that needs to be fixed. Thank you for reporting this.

No problem I figured you'd want to know.

how many route are there?




Just finished um the route that im reading i love this vn keep it up i need new update 


thank you!


anyone have a guide or hints for the full lewd scene of Kamil in the shower room?


That's a bit of a toughie to answer since there's a lot to the scene. If you want to know how to get everything from that scene, then you'll have to become a Blooming patron on my Patreon to get access to all that information. Otherwise, the most I can say is that Kamil will be more willing to do certain things depending on what you did the first five days of his route.


Will the guide be public at some point? I've run out of combinations of choices to get the last 2 cgs...



i still remember when catch a tiger by the.....was the end of the chapter, and you had the headless tiger plush at the end. chellay did bro dirty fr.

Headless Tiger is still there, he's just hiding.

Hell yeaaaa, gonna enjoy this.


hello I have a quick question when does the route for the Orca actually start ?

Day 1 technically. After the route split. There's a section in Day 2 that happens in all routes and then the character routes continue. Day 2 for Owen hasn't been developed yet.


I'm already aware of that, I just wanted to know who will be next after Kamil's route is completed


It's Owen

Looking forward to more content for Owen, and hopefully one day , Vlad as well.


Glad to hear it!

(1 edit)

With this release, we now have all the songs related to Arc 1 of Kamil's Route out to the public. I hope you enjoy the soundtrack!


I'm a little mixed with this VN. I really like the idea of the MC's race and past, which I think is quite unique. I honestly think that you could center the entire story around this aspect, and make it more of a slice of life, and it would be really good. I also like the other main characters, their designs and personalities seem interesting and diverse. And the art is great.

I'll be honest, the "mystery" fell really flat for me. There was no build up to it all, making it feel shoehorned in. The character involved had 1 scene prior, so also no investment in them at all either. And the fallout seemed weird? The MC seemed to care about it as much as I did, more interested in boning his teacher. And there was little to no reactions from anyone else other than Kamil...

I also felt the sex aspect felt rushed and forced. You have some really good, interesting ideas for your characters... but the horniness and sex aspect felt weird and forced, especially with Brendan's route.

All in all, I think currently, your interesting and good character ideas are just clashing with the "mystery" and sex scenes, making it almost feel like I'm reading 3 different stories overlapping.


Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you like the characters and art. 

I'm just going to say upfront that By Your Hands has a specific way of storytelling that not everyone will like. If the mystery seems to not have a big presence in the story so far, that's what we felt would be best for the narrative with the later parts of the story considered. You may not like it and that's completely fine.

As for the sex stuff, the cast is just horny so horniness is bound to be prevalent in the plot. I know that seems to be a flimsy excuse, but like that's part of their characters, not to mention that all of them besides Brendan are college students so they're around that age where they're especially horny. Brendan also has his own reasons for being as horny as he is. If you don't like it, that's fine, but it's part of the story. You can also make choices where the protagonist is less outwardly sexual so that the horniness is less prevalent.

Fierro should be my daddy. Fierro Will heal all my Daddy issues

Excuse me? Fierro is a MOTHER 😤💅🌟



The Fact that Wyatt isn't romancable in this story is a DAMN SHAME! I need my edgy wolf boy Content!

Oh well, I'll guess I'll have to make it up by fucking my Karkadan Himbo Bottom


Glad you've accepted the fact.

(1 edit) (+1)

*minor spoilers*







Suggestion: Yousef and Fierro should also be dateable characters that you would just unlock midway through Kamil's route. I feel Yousef gives off dateable vibes and he's gay, so... Also there should be an option to accept Fierro's offer, even if he wouldn't be dateable.

I appreciate your interest in those two characters, however the VN is more focused on the story than the sex. Having the option to have even a one-night stand, let alone a relationship, with more characters besides the five LIs would distract from the main narrative and wouldn't add much to the story beyond more sex scenes. I understand that people enjoy more options in VNs, but the goal of By Your Hands isn't to give the player as much freedom as possible, rather to provide a specific story. That said, there will be side stories that focus on side characters, possibly giving them their own erotic content. If you want to see more of a certain character, maybe there will be a side story featuring them in the future.

(1 edit)

Bro, the images don't load in every game, I even deleted them and installed them and nothing (I'm a Mobile user)

what does "HAFBFSBDBBLT" stand for?.

at the end of the upload,when Rahmir appears, they give a rule of the "HAFBFSBDBBLT" and i dont know what does it mean.


It stands for "Huge-Ass Fucking Book For Short Big-Dicked Beefy Bottom Loving Tops." He says it the first time you meet him.

Oh my 🫢, darling you are awesome


I miss Brendan :(


he'll return eventually :)

Wait wa?

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